Get on track with the best organization
in High Performance Driving

  • Best safety record in the industry
  • Less downtime than any other group
  • Dedicated coaches and instruction for first timers
  • Safe passing intermediate groups with coaching available.
  • Open passing high-speed groups for experienced drivers.
  • Catered lunch and Premium Experience
  • No racing, and no egos.

Find your skill level and our Hooked on Driving passing rules

PLUS, now that Hooked on Driving
is part of Everyday Driver,
We're expanding to more locations,
and new kinds of driving events.

Find high performance driving events in your region

Currently Hooked on Driving has 7 active regions running around the country, Pacific Northwest, Texas, Northern California, Southern California, Northeast, AZ/Southwest, and Florida/Southeast.  These different regions are operated by a collection of passionate and dedicated high-performance driving enthusiasts and coaches who have helped spread Hooked on Driving culture and philosophy of safe and fast first across the country.  Check out your region for the quickest access to events scheduled near you!  You can also explore all HOD events across the country 

No experience? Great!
Hooked on Driving will take you safely from Zero to Hero

More and more people are starting to understand that learning to drive a car in a high performance setting results in a safer off track driving experience. YES, that is right, learning to drive FAST in a controlled track school environment means learning to drive better and better is SAFER.

Understanding your car's abilities and limitations as well learning to break, turn nd accelerate with intention and technique results in more confidence behind the wheel.

Most every HOD driver comments on how learning to drive on track with HOD has improved their ability to control their car, even in off track situations with more confidence and safety.

If you are interested learning more about your first experience on track or first time driving with HOD head on to the FIRST TIMERS section.